Committed to maintain a trustful relationship with shareholders and the financial community, IBA provides comprehensive and transparent information regarding the Group's outlook, markets and financial performance.

€ 429
million total net sales
€ 1.4
employees worldwide

IBA is a leader in particle beam technology. Our purpose, which inspires and motivates our staff, is clear: protect, enhance and save lives, every day, while creating value for all our stakeholders.

Olivier Legrain, CEO

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4 successful activites

We are the leading supplier of equipment and services in the field of proton therapy and a leading player in the fields of industrial sterilization, radiopharmaceuticals and dosimetry. 

A dedicated Corporate Governance

At IBA, we acknowledge the value of corporate governance principles. We believe that our governance structure must be clear, agile, and transparent. Our history is driven by innovation, patient care, and commitment. Such history has inevitably coloured both our shareholding & governance structure.


A regular update on our markets

We regularly publish and update presentations about our activities and our markets.

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Our commitment to transparency

Our stakeholder approach pushes us to consider all aspects of our activities, including societal and environmental, and to involve as many people as possible in order to increase the positive impact we have on society.

legal and shareholder
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Your investor relations contact
Henri de Romrée - Deputy CEO Tel: +32 10 47 58 90 Send us an email